Master's degree for the researcher Abdullah bin Ahmed bin Abu Bakr bin Sheikh Abi Bakr bin Salem from the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Al-Ahgaff University, in the Department of Jurisprudence and its Fundamentals

Media section / Follow-up

Saturday 30/10/2021


The researcher Abdullah bin Ahmed bin Abu Bakr bin Sheikh Abi Bakr bin Salem obtained a master’s degree in jurisprudence and its fundamentals from the Faculty of Graduate Studies at Al-Ahgaff University, Department of Jurisprudence and its Fundamentals, for his thesis titled (The Origin in the Actions of the Prophet (PBUH)).


The discussion and judging committee consisted of:

1- Dr. Hassan bin Sheikh bin Abbas Al-Kaf, Assistant Professor of Jurisprudence and its Fundamentals, Hadhramout University, (chairman and external examiner)


2- Dr. Alawi Abdel-Qader Muhammad Al-Aidarous, Assistant Professor of Jurisprudence, Faculty of Sharia and Law, Al-Ahgaff University (internal examiner)


3- Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Taha Al-Habashi, Assistant Professor of Jurisprudence and its Fundamentals, Faculty of Sharia and Law, Al-Ahgaff University (supervisor)


The researcher Abdullah bin Ahmed bin Sheikh Abu Bakr bin Salem is one of the students who graduated from the Faculty of Sharia and Law, and his thesis received good praise from the examiners who enriched it with discussion and comments.


The discussion was attended by a number of teachers, researchers, students and the researcher's relatives and colleagues.


شهادة الماجستير للباحث عبدالله بن أحمد بن أبوبكر بن الشيخ أبي بكر بن سالم من كلية الدراسات العليا جامعة الأحقاف في قسم الفقه وأصوله (2)

شهادة الماجستير للباحث عبدالله بن أحمد بن أبوبكر بن الشيخ أبي بكر بن سالم من كلية الدراسات العليا جامعة الأحقاف في قسم الفقه وأصوله (4)

شهادة الماجستير للباحث عبدالله بن أحمد بن أبوبكر بن الشيخ أبي بكر بن سالم من كلية الدراسات العليا جامعة الأحقاف في قسم الفقه وأصوله (5)

شهادة الماجستير للباحث عبدالله بن أحمد بن أبوبكر بن الشيخ أبي بكر بن سالم من كلية الدراسات العليا جامعة الأحقاف في قسم الفقه وأصوله (3)