A workshop titled "The Faculty of Administration and Economics: A Realistic View, a Vision for Development" is held by the faculty of administration and economics

Mukalla - July 1 - University Media


With department heads and faculty members in attendance, the Faculty of Administration and Economics hosted a two-day internal workshop titled The Faculty of Administration and Economics: A Realistic View, A Vision for Development.

The workshop's goals and fundamental subjects were discussed by Mr. Alawi Abdul Qader Al-Aidaroos, dean of the Faculty of Administration and Economics, at its start. Additionally, he discussed the value of these seminars and how they support the development plan.

A number of topics pertaining to faculty performance and development, course evaluation, output quality, labor market requirements, work mechanisms, and some suggestions for improvement and development were covered in the workshop. Other topics included performance evaluation and follow-up indicators. The workshop produced a list of suggestions and ideas.