Launch of cultural and sports activities by table tennis tournament at Al-Ahgaff University

Hadramout / Mukalla

Monday 12 November 2018

University Media

Report / Osama Makarem

Photography / Ahmed Abdulhafidh



The Department of Activities at Al-Ahgaff University launched its activities for the academic year 2018-2019 by table tennis tournament where matches were held between the teams of the Faculty of Management and Economics and the College of Engineering and Computer Science. It is scheduled to hold this evening a match between the qualifying team and the team of Faculty of Sharia and Law.


The Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University Activities Officer Dr. Hussein Ali Al-Aidroos said that the activities are part of the university's interest to support student activities to enrich the spirit of competition and strengthen brotherly ties among the students, in addition to enhancing their skills and abilities and creating an entertaining atmosphere inside and outside the university.


Activities include (cultural competitions - table tennis tournament - football tournament - billiards tournament - chess tournament).


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