Obituary for the late brother Anwar Basolom

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Universe, who says in His Holy Book:

"[155] …Give glad tidings to the patient, [156] who, in adversity say: 'We belong to Allah and to Him we shall return."

With hearts full of belief in Allah's fate and destiny, satisfied with His ruling and order.

University of Al-Ahgaff

Represented by its chancellor, academic and administrative staff, and all students and employees extend

Their heartfelt condolence to the members of Basolom family

In the death of their son; the esteemed media man

🌺🌺 (Anwar Abdullah Basolom) 🌺🌺

Mercy of Allah be upon him..

We ask Allah the Almighty to forgive our late brother,

And make his haven the Paradise of Eden,

And accept all his efforts and struggle during his years of work as Director of Media and

Public Relations in the University and as Editor-in-Chief of Hadramout Sites Network

May Allah rest his soul in peace and grant us a man of his kind.
