Students of Madodah Secondary School in a familiarization visit to the University of Al-Ahgaff

Hadramout / Mukalla

Thursday March 14, 2019

Notify the university

Report: Osama Makarem


The activities officer and head of the English Language Unit, Mr. Mohamed El-Bory, toured the students of the third grade of Madodah secondary school in Al-Ahgaff University during their familiarization visit to the university.

The students learned about the colleges and majors taught at the university and their visit included the Kuwaiti E-library where they listened to a brief explanation of the features of the library by the library technician Eng. Ahmed Eliau. The students also visited the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science and the head of the department / Hassan Abdul Muttalib Muqaibl briefed them about the faculty and the level of educational excellence based on the latest methods and modern educational methodologies that enable graduates of the faculty to get jobs as programmers in various companies.

The students also visited Hadramout Research Center for Studies, Training and Community Development of the University which implements the program of proficiency development in English for university students. They also toured the university libraries and heard from their officials Mr. Abdullah Saeed Al-Maqdi and Ahmed Said Al-Amoudi detailed explanation about the most important books and scientific works and references that abound in the offices of the University in the field of Sharia and law, jurisprudence, computer science, management and finance.

طلاب ثانوية  مدودة  في زيارة تعرفية لجامعة الأحقاف


At the end of the visit, the Vice Principal of Madodah Secondary School expressed his thanks and appreciation to the University for their hospitality and warm welcome praising at the same time the scientific level of the University. He also explained that the visit comes within their interest in introducing students to university programs so that their choice of specialization is based on previous knowledge.


The students were accompanied by the secondary school teachers; Mr. Mohammed Ali Bahumaid, Mr. Anwar Sailan, Mr. Mohammed Hussein bin Obaidallah , Mr. Adel Khamis Abad and Mr. Subait Ashour Bin Saidah.


مكتبة جامعة الأحقاف ثانوية مدودة


أ. محمد البوري جامعة الأحقاف


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