The Indonesian Consul in Oman visits Al-Ahgaff University

Report: Osama Makarem

Editing: Ibrahim Basaif

Thursday 7 March 2019


See the video of the visit of the Indonesian Consul in Oman Ahmed Maaroufi paid to Al-Ahgaff University and his meeting with the Chancellor of the University, Prof. Abdullah Mohammed Baharoun.


The meeting discussed:


🔹 Strengthening relations and cooperation between the University of Al-Ahgaff and Indonesian universities.


🔹 Facilities offered by the University to new Indonesian students and providing them with the appropriate atmosphere.


🔹 Exchange of scholarships.



The Consul also met Indonesian students studying at the university and listened to some questions. He briefed them on the forthcoming Indonesia's presidential election and the facilities provided by the Consulate to enable Indonesian students to vote.


The meeting was attended by Vice-Chancellor of Al-Ahgaff University Dr. Sadik Omar Maknoun and Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Sharia and Law Dr. Abdullah Al-Hamed and Director of the Office of Foreign Student Affairs Mr. Zain Salim bin Aqeel and the university's legal advisor Mr. Mohammed Saleh bin Taleb and President of the Indonesian Student Union in Mukalla Mr. Mohammed Zainul Abidin and Director of "Rabetah Alwiayah" Mr. Asfia Al-Rahman Faisal.





استقبال القنصل الاندونيسي في مقر رئاسة الجامعة


زيارة القنصل الاندونيسي لكلية البنات بجامعة الأحقاف


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الدكتور حسن عبدالمطلب مقيبل