Morning activity about the art of studying smart for academic students

Mukalla / March 20, 2021 / University Media


Hadhramout Research Center for Studies, Training and Community Development, in partnership with the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science and in coordination with the University's Activities Department, held on Saturday a morning activity with the title of “Smart Study Arts for Academic Students” presented by the trainer/ Maher Berak Barabaa.

At the beginning of the course, the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Hassan Abdulmutallab, Muqaibel, welcomed the students and thanked the trainer for devoting time and sharing his experience with the students in the aspect of smart study.

The activity dealt with a set of themes on smart methods for studying, setting timetables for organizing time, choosing the right place for studying, and so on.

The morning activity included a series of activities and motivational videos.

The morning activity was attended by the Director of Training at Hadhramaut Research Center, and Director of the Activities Department, Mr. Muhammad Salem Al-Bouri.