Counselor Dr. Hashim Alawi Moqaibel participates in the first conference held by Imam Shafi'i University

Mukalla / August 7, 2023 / University media


Counselor Dr. Hashim Alawi Muqaibel participated with a research paper in the first international conference held by Imam Shafi'i University under the title “Islamic Thought between Science and Deviation” in the period from 18-20 Muharram corresponding to 5-7 August.

The research paper was titled "The Phenomenon of the Mental and Modernist View of the Prophet's Text, Its Controls and Aspects of Deviation, An Applied Analytical Study"

The paper dealt with the place of the mind in consideration and reasoning, and the space given by the Islamic law to consider deriving legal rulings through consideration saturated with its considered tools.

The researcher pointed out the importance of research in the contemporary stage as a result of the large number of criticisms directed at some of the Prophet's hadiths, in addition to adjusting the perceptions of mental consideration and the limits of its actions.

The controls of mental consideration, according to the induction method, which the researcher initiated, were as follows:

1- It is necessary to understand the legal fundamentals and purposes in a comprehensive manner.

2- The adequacy of the stock of knowledge that is necessary in proper dealing with Sharia text.

3- Detachment from original convictions and previous beliefs, and looking impartially.

4- The necessity of differentiating between the cases in which the mind judges to be impossible and the issues that the mind cannot comprehend.

5- What has a cause that depends on it, and what does not.

6- The necessity of differentiating between the peremptory mentality and the presumptive mental judgments.


At the end of his research, the researcher made recommendations, the most important of which are:

1- Keenness to spread mental knowledge and intellectual mastery, especially when studying the science of hadith, and preparing the student to know the foundations of rational consideration in Sharia.

2- The continuity of tracking, extrapolation, and research to gather as much as possible of the controls of mental consideration and generalize them, as they represent a fortress of suspicions and modernist criticisms.

3- Holding open discussion sessions in the scientific, academic and cultural circles about the modern suspicions and explaining their corruption from their rational point of view.

4- Activating relevant scientific programs and diplomas and establishing them periodically in a manner appropriate to the reality of the youth to address the spread of this phenomenon among them.


It is noteworthy that the researcher is a member of the teaching staff at the Faculty of Sharia and Law at Al-Ahgaff University and holds the position of head of the Alumni Affairs Unit at the university.

المستشار الدكتور هاشم علوي مقيبل يشارك في المؤتمر الأول الذي تقيمه جامعة الإمام الشافعي (2)

المستشار الدكتور هاشم علوي مقيبل يشارك في المؤتمر الأول الذي تقيمه جامعة الإمام الشافعي (3)

المستشار الدكتور هاشم علوي مقيبل يشارك في المؤتمر الأول الذي تقيمه جامعة الإمام الشافعي (4)