The first woman to hold this position in Tanzania - Al-Ahgaff University congratulates the graduate Khairiya bint Moni on her selection as a member of the Senior Scholars Authority for Fatwa in Zanzibar

Mukalla - July 28, 2024 - Al-Ahgaff University Media


The Director of the Alumni Unit at Al-Ahgaff University, Counselor Dr. Hashem Muqaibel, extended his sincere congratulations to the graduate of the university, Dr. Khairiya bint Muni Haj bin Ashinkamb, on the occasion of her selection as a member of the Senior Scholars Authority for Fatwa and Advisor to the Grand Mufti of Zanzibar City in the United Republic of Tanzania.

The Director of the Unit expressed the pride and honor of Al-Ahgaff University in this honorable assignment for one of the most prominent graduates from the Faculty of Women at the prestigious university 10 years ago, stressing that this position is the culmination of Dr. Khairiya's efforts and excellence, as she is an honorable model of her scientific, academic and practical excellence, and her tangible contributions in the field of Islamic studies in her country, which qualified her to assume this important position as the first woman to hold this position in Tanzania after the appointment of three previous graduates from the university in the judiciary and the Fatwa Council in Zanzibar, wishing her success and prosperity.

Dr. Hashem Alawi Muqaibel expressed his great happiness at choosing the graduate Khairiya for this distinguished position, considering her appointment to this place as nothing but an honor for Al-Ahgaff University and all its members and its distinction among Yemeni academic educational institutions, pointing out that the Alumni Unit is keen to maintain constant communication with male and female students after their graduation, expressing his wishes for her further excellence and progress.