Al-Ahgaff University celebrates 62 graduates from the faculties of management and economics, engineering and computer science

Mukalla - Thursday, September 12, 2024 - Al-Ahgaff University Media


On Tuesday, Al-Ahgaff University celebrated 62 graduates from the Faculties of Management and Economics, Engineering and Computer Sciences in the city of Mukalla, in the presence of the President of the University, Professor Abdullah Muhammad Baharoon.

The ceremony began with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran, followed by the celebration operetta of Al-Ahgaff University, and a poem, then the graduates' speech was delivered, which expressed great happiness on this day in which they see the fruits of their efforts achieved after perseverance and diligence throughout their years of study at the prestigious university.

The President of the University, Professor Abdullah Muhammad Baharoon, congratulated the graduates during his speech at the ceremony after years of perseverance in academic achievement in various specializations, stressing the university's keenness to keep pace with modern developments in the scientific and academic field to create harmony between outputs and the needs of the labor market.

Professor Baharoon stressed that the university is moving with steady steps and a clear vision towards excellence in the field of university education to contribute to advancing the wheel of development in the country, performing its educational mission and graduating a group of male and female students who possess the highest qualifications and best skills that enable them to compete in the labor market.

Professor Baharoon urged the graduates to be role models for their generation and contribute to reforming the nation by applying what they have learned in the university, considering that what the nation is going through at the present time is due to the lack of interest in spreading messages of science and ethics among generations, wishing the graduates success and prosperity in their lives.

At the end of the ceremony, the President of Al-Ahgaff University, Professor Abdullah Muhammad Baharoon, his deputy, Professor Sadiq Maknoon, and the Secretary-General of the University, Mr. Faiz bin Shamla, were honored by the graduates, in addition to honoring the graduating students and those who won the silver medal in the international competition for creative innovation ideas, and honoring the sponsors and participants in the success of the ceremony.

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