The Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering holds an orientation meeting for new students for the academic year 2024-2025

Mukalla - September 23 - Al-Ahgaff University Media


The Deanship of the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering hosted an orientation and welcome event for new students in the Department of Information Technology on Sunday morning, September 22, 2024. In his welcoming address to both male and female students, Dr. Hamza Al-Eidaroos, Dean of the Faculty, urged everyone to be serious, industrious, and persistent in order to achieve high and respectable outcomes.

In addition, Dr. Muhammad Wahdain, Head of the Department of Information Technology, spoke about the curriculum's decisions and their connection to each other, calling on male and female students to benefit from them and develop their skills in the field of scientific research and self-learning that paves the way for them to the labor market. In the female students' section, Mrs. Susan Atiq, Assistant Head of the Department, spoke about the importance of adhering to the faculty's system, stressing the importance of preserving the faculty's resources and equipment, wishing everyone success at the beginning of their university journey.

The faculty registrar, Mr. Bassam Al-Tamimi, also discussed the administrative rules that control the educational process in terms of grades, roles, and attendance and absence. He also described instances of cheating and the consequences that follow, emphasizing to students the importance of abiding by university regulations. Questions and concerns from the students were acknowledged and addressed at the conclusion of the meeting.

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