Faculty of Sharia and Law celebrates the honorable Prophet's Birthday (Mauwlid Annabi) in the presence of the Chancellor of the University

Wednesday, 27 Rabie 1440 Hijri

 Department of Activities and Information


In the presence of Professor Habib Abdullah bin Mohammed Baharoun, Chancellor of Al-Ahqaf University, and Habib Alawi bin Abdulrahman bin Abdullah bin Abubakr Al-Attas, held this evening at the Grand Hall of the Faculty of Sharia and Law the session of the honorable Prophet's Birthday, rejoicing of the birth of Messenger of Allah peace be upon him.

The session began with reading Fatihah and reading the story of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) "Simot Aldurar" of Imam Ali bin Mohammed Al Habashi, including many Salafi nasheed with the tunes of Hadrami, Indonesian and African rhythms.

On this occasion, Habib Abdullah bin Mohammed Baharoun delivered a speech in which he spoke about the joy that permeates the whole Islamic nation on this blessed day and this great occasion.

Habib Abdullah Baharoun directed the students of the faculty with instructions that concern them in their scientific and practical journey. He pointed out that the student of science must be aware of and warn against the foreign ideas that are based on political exploitation of religion and are meant to be harnessed for the benefit of governments and the whims of the corrupt.

Habib Abdullah pointed out that the faculty is committed to immunizing the student with regard to faith and ethics.

He warned in his speech of being influenced by the malignant ideas that began to spread, such as liberal ideas like the idea of ​​correcting all religions, or extremist ideas based on violence, which exclude the Muslim student from his role.

Habib Abdullah stressed that the great desire of the faculty is that the student should develop good morals and sound belief, which ensures that the student has a good impact in reality and society.

He also spoke about the issue of understanding science and interest in the investigation and stressed that the student of science has to seek achieving science and applying himself in them so that its effect is shown on him.

Al-Habib also pointed out that there is a need to develop a brotherly relationship between the students and a good relationship based on Islamic brotherhood. As well as there should be communication between students and the university, and they keep ties of affection and love between them.

Habib Baharoun concluded his speech by praying for the whole nation and for the attendance in particular.

The meeting was attended by the Dean of the Faculty Dr. Abdullah Awad bin Sumait, the Head of the Department of Fiqh and its principles, Dr. Abdulrahman bin Abdullah Al-Saqqaf, the head of the Department of Machine Science, Mr. Abdullah Hussein Al-Aidarous, Acting head of Department of Law Mr. Arafat bin Abdulrahman Al-Maqadi, and a large collection of teachers of the Faculty of Sharia and law and its staff and students.


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