In celebration and glorification of the Noble Prophet’s status, Al-Ahgaff University participates with the Islamic nation in its celebrations of the Prophet’s Birthday

Mukalla - October 5 - Al-Ahgaff University Media


The Faculty of Sharia and Law at Al-Ahgaff University held a celebration on the night of 29 Rabi` al-Awwal on the occasion of the anniversary of the Prophet’s birthday at the faculty mosque in the presence of His Eminence, Professor Abdullah bin Muhammad Baharoon, President of Al-Ahgaff University, and the scholar and educator His Eminence, Habib Omar bin Muhammad bin Hafiz, Dean of Dar Al-Mustafa for Islamic Studies in Tarim, and a group of scholars, preachers, and students.


The session opened with a reading of the honorable biography of the Prophet (Sharaaf Al-Anam) by Sheikh Shehab Al-Din Ahmed Al-Hariri. The session included a speech by His Eminence, Habib Prof. Abdullah bin Muhammad Baharoon, in which he urged all Muslims to rekindle their love for the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, to believe in what he brought, to follow him kindly, and to strengthen his connection to the honorable prophetic status. He also emphasized that our prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and his family and companions, is more beloved to us than ourselves and that we must follow and connect with him.

Additionally, he brought up in his speech the threat that moral corruption poses to the nation and to human nature, as seen by the alarmingly high number of divorces and the way in which they are spreading. The requirement of following and good love, which is the most efficient way to be protected from the degeneration of time and to succeed in this world and the hereafter, was how he ended his speech.

Then, His Eminence, the scholar Habib Omar bin Muhammad bin Hafeez, gave a speech in which he explained that following the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is an indication of one's belief in God and His Messenger, which is the truth of faith. By placing the love of one of the creatures above the love of Allah and His   Messenger, some people stray from the truth and guidance, and this is the yearning that ultimately causes one to lose one's way.


He pointed out that these facts that our Lord tells us about, and which he conveyed to the greatest of creation, the trust of the Seal of the Prophets, are more deserving of being followed, and therefore we must strengthen the love of Allah and His Messenger in our hearts so that we may attain eternal happiness and lasting bliss.

His Eminence concluded his speech by praying for the Islamic nation, Muslims, students, and those present.



