Mukalla - May 28 - University Media
For the first semester of the academic year 2023–2024, the Faculty of Management and Economics arranged an honorary event for the top students. Mr. Alawi Abdul Qader Al-Aidaroos, the Dean of the Faculty, gave a speech at the event's opening about the value of scientific excellence and expressed gratitude for the top students' efforts to achieve high ranks.
In addition, he exhorted the outstanding students to keep up their good work and stressed the importance of seeking out new opportunities to learn a variety of subjects because knowledge is truly limitless, particularly since graduates from the Faculty of Management and Economics serve as the institution's ambassadors and public face in the job market.
Subsequently, the students who demonstrated excellence in the many faculty activities were recognized, along with the top three students from each level. A souvenir snapshot was taken at the conclusion of the event. Mr. Abdul Qadir Saeed Basqar, the head of the business administration department of Al-Ahgaff University's Faculty of Management and Economics, was present at the occasion.