Mukalla - October 29 - Al-Ahgaff University Media
On Sunday morning, October 27, 2024, the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering hosted the second workshop, "Coding and Numbering of Information Technology Program Courses," in the Red Hall of the University Presidency Building, under the auspices of Al-Ahgaff University President Professor Abdullah bin Mohammed Baharoon. The workshop began with a speech by Professor Ahmed Saleh Khured, Dean of Quality and Academic Accreditation, who emphasized the significance of the gathering and thanked the faculty for their participation. The workshop's goal is to develop the curriculum of the Information Technology Program.
The dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Dr. Hamza Al-Eidaroos, gave a presentation outlining the experiences of regional and local universities. He also explained some suggestions for numbering and coding university program courses. Following a discussion of the benefits and drawbacks of each suggestion, the participants decided on a coding and numbering approach and started implementing it in the Information Technology Program's courses. The participants offered several ideas and recommendations that help expand and enhance the vocabulary in the curriculum. They also suggested holding additional workshops to continue building the curriculum.
Dr. Al-Eidaroos concluded the workshop by thanking everyone for their participation and contributions to the discussions. He emphasized that the faculty deanship works to develop and continuously improve its programs to make sure they are in line with learning outcomes and satisfy the demands of both the labor market and students.