Al-Ahgaff University launches a series of self-evaluation workshops for academic programs

Mukalla / University Media


Under the kind sponsorship of Professor Mr. Abdullah Muhammad Baharoon, the university's president, and represented by the Deanship of Quality and Academic Accreditation, Al-Ahgaff University began a series of workshops (Self-Evaluation of Academic Programs) on Saturday, February 1, 2025.

Al-Ahgaff University's Dean of Quality and Academic Accreditation, Professor Ahmed Saleh Khured, welcomed everyone at the workshop's opening and emphasized the university's eagerness to spread the academic message and present future plans to achieve the university's general goals and its position among Yemeni universities. He pointed out that this workshop is part of a series of workshops that the Deanship of Quality will implement in order to achieve academic accreditation, and that it is intended for deans of faculties, heads of departments, and faculty members at the university. There were 40 participants, 20 from Mukalla and 20 from Tarim.

Dr. Salem Ahmed Bawadi and Dr. Warda Omar Al-Muhammadi, the workshop's speakers, emphasized the significance of the seven standards that the Academic Council in Aden has accepted, as well as the format and implementation methods of the standards. An introduction to self-assessment and its use in scientific research and higher education was part of the workshop's other axis. Following a series of conversations over the workshop's axis, the participants were divided into seven teams, each of which was tasked with completing a particular standard and achieving its objectives. It is worth noting that the workshop lasted one day for four hours.

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